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Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions, Answered

Browse below to find answers to the most common questions about BFAA. Go through the list we’ve provided, but if anything is still unclear, get in touch HERE and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Where are BFAA allotments sites?

Please click HERE to see our available sites.

How do I get a plot?

You must be on the waiting list but first you must apply. 

please click HERE to apply for a plot.

How long is the waiting list?

We are unable to give you a waiting list time as it varies from site to site depending on availability.

Please Note the office or Site Rep will contact people on application order when we know a plot is available but this could be sooner or later for each site depending on availability. You can apply for more than one site but be aware, if you refuse a site your application will be removed. 

Can I put a shed or greenhouse on my plot?

Plot holders MUST complete the appropriate paperwork before adding any structures or building on a plot. One greenhouse and one shed to a size limit according to your plot. Details can be obtained when you are successful in obtaining a plot.

Will my new plot be 'Ready to go'?

in short...No.. There is always work to do on a plot to get it how you want. All plots are provided 'As Seen' and some require more work/clearing than others. The Fed do not prepare a plot for you. Wellies and a spade are a good start!! We do not supply any gardening equipment.

How much is it to hire a plot?

Plot hire is very reasonable. (see HERE)

A £100 deposit is required for a plot and key. this is refunded if you leave the plot rubbish free and in good condition.

How long is the Lease?

Your lease will be for 6 months but don't worry,  if you 'work the plot' this will become a rolling lease after which just keep 'working your plot' and keep in a good condition.

Can my lease be terminated?

If you do not follow the points on the lease you may be given a warning and then terminated is no action has been forthcoming. 
If there is a problem ie ill health etc that prevents you from doing work on your plot, speak to the office or Site Rep and let's protect you! 
We know things can change but unless you tell us we won't know.
Plots that become untidy, rubbish, weeds, overgrown etc will be subject to a warning notice... DO NOT ignore the letter, Speak to us!!

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